What information and images are OK to post? What’s not OK to post?
Pictures of friends, animals places and food is a good thing to post. Bad things to post it naked pics, violence such as:guns,weed,beer etc.it would be very good to make a chioce not to put up thoes type of stuff.Have you ever posted something online that embarrassed you or got you into trouble?
Nope.I have never been embarrassed or got in trouble because i would never put something up and know that i would be sorry afterwords for doing it.Is there any way to guarantee complete privacy when you post things online?
Yes.you can block your page,and you can just not have a profile on line.How might things you post online affect your future
In a lot of different ways.Mabey your boss will look at your page and you have a lot of bad stuff so then he/she will not hire you because of the stuff you put on the enternet.also if you want to go to some gifted school and thay wont eccept you because you have bad stuff on your page, but if you have good stuff you have a better chance of getting that job or getting into that gifted school.