Thursday, March 10, 2011

Immigrant Detention

1) Describe with as much detail as possible, what the detention centers are like (i.e., the bathrooms, medical facilities, cells, solitary confinement, etc.)
-in the detentionc centers there are so many depressed people. it is not a good plce. i imagine it even worst than reguler jails.they do not have good medical attention.its so bad they threw a woman who was a bout to give birth into jail. when she was giving birth, she was hand cuffed to the bed. that is so terrible. after she had her baby, she never saw her again,she does not even know where the baby is,or who she is with,or anything else.the bathrooms are so disgusting. is has no space what so ever. and the showers and/or the toilets have doors or curtins. thats not right. the cells are all small and usualy cramped up with alot of people. people most likely fight and argue at each other because of space issues. when you get into fight you will probobly go to the solitary confinement area and that is not fun at all. it is small,no windows and it will most likely make you even nore sad lonely confused scared and depressed. people go crazy in there you know.

2) How did playing this game make you feel?
-playing this game made me feel so bad. it is not right for them to go to jail because they do not come from america.its not fair.

3) What do you think the Unites States should do differently with their immigrants?
-i think that the united states should not do anything at all.its not like they are nasty creatures.they are people.the only thing different is the fact that they come from a different place.i do not see why you should throw them in jail and let them get beat and all that crap. because if that happened to us,then we would not want that.

5) Now that you’re officially a game designer, how would you improve this game?
-oh ew. horrible graphics.worst than the fist game ever.-____-
i would deff put up the graphics and i would put more places to go to.
and when you are going to different places,instead of makeing it load upp,it should be the guy waslking you to the other rooms in the jail.that would be pretty cool.

Friday, March 4, 2011


ways to say hi.
  1. hi
  2. hello
  3. hey
  4. aloha
  5. hola
  6. Bonjour
  7. ni-hao
  8. konnichiha