Thursday, October 21, 2010

Made in L.A questions.answers.

1. how is the life of sweatshop workers in L.A. the same as those in Indonesia? How is it different?

- It is the same in L.A in man they do not even get min of the people said that they get $3.25 an hour. it's only better here by a little bit of is different in no kind of matter where you are,sweat shops will be the same.

2. Why is it that poor immigrants (newcomers) end up working at sweatshops? Why don’t they work as lawyers or doctors or at Mcdonalds?

-They end up working at sweatshops because no other places give jobs without the papers. also they do not want any immagrants to work with them.

3. Predict what’s going to happen by the end of this movie

-I think that maybey the people will get a green card somehow.and they will find jobs,and they will live a better ife than before.


Anonymous said...

niice amber yeah peice ship is waitinqq and they are waitinqq for you

agivens188 said...

omg.! lmao wuss ya prob.