Friday, December 5, 2008

animal crualty

dog fights

Animal cruelty is wrong,I have no idea how people could sit there and do that to animals.I wish I could stop these people who do this to their dogs. people all around the world do this to their dog when I grow up I am going to stop these losers doing all of cruel stuff that they do to the sweet,sweet,innocent dogs. who is the real animals?
Animal cruelty is wrong, I do not know how people could sit there and do this to their dogs.The dogs will fight to the death,the winner gets nothing but another fight.The looser will die and get dumped into the ocean.To make the dogs fight they would take a thick stick and hit them with it.Every dog needs it's rights.
I wish that I could stop these people who do this to their dogs, these d
ogs deserve a very good home.These people need to go to solitary confinement is where they need to question is "who is the real animals?"

Friday, November 14, 2008

barck obama

Obama is now president,I hope he dose a good job and dose not mess up like other presidents. i think that obama will make a great president.MY father always told me to watch the dibate and all of that finnaly paid off.yay i am so happy that obama is now president . hooray for him!

Friday, October 24, 2008

stolen laptop

three reasons why it's wrong to steal a lap top is because i know that you will get caught,and you will pay for that. Another reason why you should not steal a laptop is because you will grow up to go to jail or even right now. last but not least you cant do it because you will remember it for the rest of your life,and that is so not cool.who ever stole the lap top is not a cool person, you must be caught.I hope when you get caught you will get expelled from ms/p.s 188 island school.i just have to tell you.......

you suck!

Friday, October 10, 2008

my life as a child farmer

i am six years old and i am ready to go to work.i have to pick up fruits and vegies from the ground,it is so much work!it is so hard doing this every day.i cant even hang out with my friends.all i do is work,work,work!it is so tiering to do this all day long .all i get is 2 dollers an houer.i wish i could have a life just like every bodt else that is other day i wish that one day i could be free to go to school.i dont want to stay home and pick berrys and stuff.i wish , iwish,iwsh!i will be looking forword to the day that i can be free of work.

Monday, September 15, 2008

8 random things about me

1)my favorite animal is a lion
2)my favorite food is pizza
3)i want to be a vet when i grow up
4)my favorite plant is a venus fly trap
5)i want to live in florida
6)i want a three headed dog( ceberus)as a pet 
7) i hate peanuts 
8)my favorite color is  red
