Monday, March 1, 2010

water buffalo slaughter

the most terrifying thing to watch...i was on youtube and i looked up anmial abuse and a buch of videos came upp of when i watched it,there was a croud of people around about 4 buffalos.the slaughters bring the buffalos head up by pulling the nose ring that it has,takes out a sward, and just slices the neck.they quickly run away from the frightened bull so it can run around for a while then bleed to death.then when the bull is half way dead they imediatly start to cut up pices of therie bodie parts.which gets sold right away.cant the buffalo get a fast and unpainful death,that's not right to give it a slow,frightening, painful would they like it if somebody else cuts them up into little peaces while they are still alive...i for one coun't that as animal slaughter... <---thatz the post

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