Tuesday, March 2, 2010

the handicap cat

the handicap cat

there is a handicap cat on youtube.it is very sad...it's about these people that was in their yard and found a cat hiding in between two buildings.there was something so weird about the cat,it had very long weak legs and had no concrole of it's back end or its legs.you can tell that the cat is trying to use its legs because the legs just constantly wiggle. The first time i saw the video i cryed a little bit.It is so sad.the people at the A.S.P.C.A told the owners to put the cat to sleep but they refused to.so they kept the cat and it was okay,it was just that it had to wear a diper.lol.over all the cat was very cute!!<3i>

1 comment:

lahana said...

You should post a link to the video. Do you want to be a Veterinarian?