Monday, March 8, 2010

gaming part 2:

    I think someone gets addicted to gaming because they have nothing better to do in their life.Maybe it's because they want to copy their friends by playing games,but they are not really addicted.Ether way... it's still bad.Bad for the eyes,brain,and health.There is 5 ways you can tell that you are addicted to gaming:
  1. you don't pay attention to anybody when you are playing the game that you are playing.
  2. you play for more that two hours.
  3. you play over night and don't stop.
  4. you don't eat when you are hungry(you just egnor or the hunger or thirst.)
  5. your eyes are toasting and your eye site get worst.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              I for one is not addicted to gaming.Thats for nerds!

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